Trope Collaborative
A human-centered design consultancy that collaborates with clients & users to be more focused, adaptive & competitive.

IBM Heuristic Analysis

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There were specific concerns within the storage area that UUI may have specific shortcomings as a GUI language and not extensible to wider IBM storage applications as it was built on EVO code. These concerns have focused on the look, interaction and possible cognitive problems of UUI implementation of banner elements, dock menus, tree tables, diagrams (Performance Layouts) Wizards, dialogues, tooltips as well as basic UI elements such as buttons, color, and typography.

Methods & Practices

Moving past individual preferences and anecdotal opinions, Adam used widely accepted heuristic principles to evaluate UUI shortcomings do lay the groundwork for a more objective discussion about what problems should be addressed and improved upon so UUI can integrate other storage and enterprise GUI and experience design efforts. Adam used two heuristic systems developed by Jakob Nielsen and Bruce Tognazzini of the Nielsen Norman Group, one of the leading user experience evaluation companies.

Impact & Outcome

Adam presented this to the TSM Storage UX team leadership and they agreed with his analysis and problems with UUI topology and they were able to use my analysis to slow down the velocity of UUI expanding its reach beyond the XIV team. It also showed the value of using heuristic principles as an evaluative tool.