A human-centered design consultancy that collaborates with clients & users to be more focused, adaptive & competitive.
He was a janitor at a local catholic hospital in Chicago, and led a quiet existence as an outsider artist. He used found images from newspapers and books and deployed tracings to create a multi volume fantasy story about the Vivian Girls. Darger's landlords, Nathan and Kiyoko Lerner, discovered his work shortly before his death and shepherded his work to Intuit. Trope Collaborative was approached to create a catalog of Darger's work in their collection edited by Leisa Rundquist, associate professor at the University of North Carolina has focused on marginalized artists and their artistic practices.

Darger Himself
Henry Darger was a personal enigma and would have been forgotten if not for Kiyoko and Nathan Lerner, who was his landlord.

Darger lived in at 851 W. Webster Avenue in a one room apartment for 40 years that was crammed with his make believe worlds.

Catalog Logotype
Trope Collaborative created a logotype that put the title in between the key words of the catalog.

Compilation Cover
Cover of the Henry Darger compilation for Intuit.

Vivian Girls Introduction
Introducing the seven Vivian Girls and a positioning statement was important to ground viewers who are unfamiliar with Darger's world.

Tracings and Process
Darger used tracings to create augmented imagery for his make believe world of Vivian Girls. Many interpretations have been given for his obsessions.

Design Process Example
This is an example of how Trope Collaborative took individual detail images and stitched them together to create a larger image of works that were conceived as a whole.

Darger was obsessed with stars of his day and Shirley Temple epitomized female heroes of the time.

Methods & Practices
Impact & Outcome